Launching & Lynching

a free verse.

Look in the sky!

SpaceX launched Falcon 9 rockets carrying two astronauts aboard the Crew Dragon spaceship into lower orbit to dock at the International Space Station! Such great heights!

Look down below!

Rioters launched molotov cocktails while police launched tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets into the crowds! Such great depths!

Is it progress to put men on the moon if below we put men in the noose?

Father God, I thank you that even though the distance between You and sinners was greater than the distance between these astronauts and rioters, you bridged it. I thank you for closing the gap between Yourself and your people, by the perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection of Your son, Jesus Christ. I pray that your unifying, redeeming, restoring gospel would work its power to close the gaps in justice, dignity, and honor we have created. Make us one, just as you are one. Amen.


The Book


October 2017.